It’s been a year since WhatsApp magically released the very much demanded voice call in its app. Yet, it still lacks one of the most important feature a social messaging app should always have – video call feature. Now that many other social messaging apps already have the video call feature, WhatsApp had to catch up, and as a result, they have announced the feature last week and released the video call feature in the beta version of WhatsApp.

Since the WhatsApp video call feature is now officially in the beta, we can expect to see it soon in the main build in next major update if there isn’t any huge bug found throughout the beta testing phase. Here’s what you need to know and how to use WhatsApp video call correctly.

Update: WhatsApp video call is now officially in the main build. Simply update your WhatsApp through Google Play for Android or AppStore for iOS and you can then make video call to your friends. Read on below for guide and tips on how to correctly make video call in WhatsApp.

WhatsApp video call feature

Though the feature should be available soon in the main build, if you wanted a taste on it now, you can download the WhatsApp beta APK and install it on your Android phone to test out the video call feature. You will have to request to become their beta tester before you can download the WhatsApp beta apk. Anyway, it takes just one click to become their tester.

For those who wonder about WhatsApp video call release date, when will it be launched and available to the public, well, there isn’t any confirmed date yet but we can expect to see it next month or early 2017 judging from how WhatsApp released their major updates in the past.

The video call feature will be made available in all devices compatible with WhatsApp – iOS iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Samsung Galaxies, Mi phones, other Android phones, and Windows phones. And of course you will need to have a camera on your smartphone in order for the video call to actually work in WhatsApp Messenger.

whatsapp video call update ios iphone android web

How to make video call in WhatsApp

Making video call in WhatsApp is similar to making a voice call. The video call button will be available next to the existing voice call button. A single click on it will start video calling the contact.

Video calling in WhatsApp is only made available in one-to-one conversation. You won’t be able to use it in group chat. To make a video call in WhatsApp:

  1. Launch WhatsApp.
  2. Select an individual contact.
  3. Press on the voice call button at the top and select Video Call to begin calling.
  4. End call when the call is done.

You can also select if you want to use the front or the back camera for the video call. If either you or the receiver doesn’t have a camera, only the person who have a camera will be able to stream their video.

whatsapp video call ios iphone android web

Couldn’t place call. Needs to update WhatsApp to receive video calls.

If either of you isn’t using the updated WhatsApp for video call feature, an error message will be shown upon video calling. Couldn’t place call friend needs to update WhatsApp to receive video calls.

So, if you are using the beta version of WhatsApp to try this feature, the contact you are to call will need to also have the WhatsApp beta in order to receive your video call.

Couldn't place call Needs to update WhatsApp to receive video calls

When WhatsApp releases the feature into main build, both parties will need to have the latest WhatsApp version installed in order to receive call from each other.

WhatsApp Video Call Spam

WhatsApp has been the most popular social messaging app for phone in the world for many years and it’s still constantly growing. Many people are using WhatsApp as a medium to advertise their products, spreading fake news, sending illegal adult pictures, and whatever else that you wouldn’t want to see.

One thing I’m not really sure if it’s good or bad about WhatsApp is that, anyone can send you a message or media files no matter if they are in your contact list as long as they have your contact number. This is kind of different from other social messaging apps which allows only those you have added as friend or contact to send you a message. I bet you have already had experience in anonymous people spamming you with ads and stuffs in WhatsApp.

It’ll be the same when WhatsApp video call feature is released to the public. These people will start utilizing the video feature to call you with annoying advertising and stuffs. However, you can easily block these people and report them as spam in WhatsApp. If the person who is calling not in your contact, there will be a button for blocking and another for reporting as spam.

Whatsapp video call spam and scamming hoax alert

Be aware of messages trying to invite you into activating WhatsApp video call feature as they are all fake and dangerous. Most of them are just trying to hack your WhatsApp account or your phone by linking you to fake pages full of malwares. It could be sent from within WhatsApp by unknown contact, from email claiming to be WhatsApp officials which obviously isn’t, or anywhere else that has a chance to trick you into their scam.

You don’t have to be invited to activate video call for WhatsApp on your device. In fact, you don’t even need to activate anything for the feature. As we have already mentioned above, WhatsApp video call feature will be available to you when the time comes. For now, you can only use it from WhatsApp beta. Once it’s released in the main build, all you need to do is to update your WhatsApp and then you can start enjoying video call.